Menopause Treatment Goes Mainstream

A new study released is changing the way doctors should think about hormone replacement for women in menopause.

The new data comes from a long term follow up of the well known Women’s Health Initiative study that originally stated that female hormones were dangerous. Now those fears have been largely debunked due to further analysis of the data and the findings that much of the information was inaccurate and skewed due to the types of hormones being used and the ages of the women in the study.

When newer forms of hormones are evaluated, specifically the bio-identical hormones instead of the horse-derived hormones, and the mode of administration being creams and patches as opposed to pills, most of the earlier concerns are eliminated.

Furthermore, the age of many of the women in the study was much older than the age that is now recommended to start hormone therapy. Using data from older participants alone increased the incidence of illnesses such as heart disease and breast cancer. 

It is now believed that starting hormones closer to menopause and generally before the age of 60 is much safer. Additionally, avoiding estrogen pills and opting for creams and patches avoids the risk of blood clots and stroke associated with the horse derived estrogens.

There are many well known benefits for women taking post menopausal hormones such as the lowering of the risk for osteoporosis and heart disease. Furthermore, women on hormones generally feel much better, age slower, have a more enjoyable sex life, and generally have a much better quality of life. If the hormones are administered properly, the risk of breast cancer also may be lower than previously thought as well. 

Everything in medicine is considered “Risk vs. Benefit.” And now mainstream medicine is finally acknowledging that menopausal hormone replacement is more beneficial than previously believed.

There is also no general consensus on how long women should take hormones after menopause. New thinking is that women can safely stay on hormones well into their 70s or even 80s, assuming there are no complications or increased risk of developing side effects.

I have been prescribing post menopausal hormones for 20 years and now have a number of women approaching 80 on them who feel great and look and live like they are 10-15 years younger.

-Dr. Howard Liebowitz


Dr. Howard Liebowitz
Dr. Howard Liebowitz served as a board-certified Emergency Physician for 30 years. He evolved as a healer by integrating his traditional training in Internal Medicine, his ER experience and his studies in functional medicine. Functional medicine is a discipline that strives to reverse the course of a disease rather than just treating the symptoms, which is what most traditional medicine does.


In this booklet, Dr. Howard Liebowitz, M.D., shares his passion for helping his patients to live a long and healthy life with his highly effective, non-pharmaceutical approach to medicine.


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