I would say that one of the most common complaints I hear from my patients is low levels of libido.
If I could solve this problem in an easy and straight forward manner, I would be a very wealthy man. However, it is far from being a simple problem.
What is Libido?
According to Mirriam-Webster, the simple definition is “a person’s desire to have sex”. In more detail, it is the “instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure of self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity”.
I prefer the more detailed definition, especially the “primitive biological” part.
Libido and Hormones
Many of my patients who consult me for hormone replacement complain of lack of libido. Many men and women alike believe that low libido equals low hormone levels.
This is not always the case.
Contrary to popular belief, Libido is not directly related to hormone levels for men and women. I’ve seen people with excellent balanced hormones and no libido, and vice versa; men and women with low hormone levels and raging libido. What gives?
Not a One-To-One Relationship
Libido is much more complicated than just a one-to-one relationship with hormone levels.
If we look back at the definition, the “instinctual energy derived from primitive biological urges” is closer to the core of libido.
The primary purpose of our libido (and sex for that matter) is purely for procreation and preservation of the species. I think most of us have forgotten this fact as we mostly engage in sex for “fun” and pleasure.
Of course, there’s all that mushy stuff about bonding, closeness, oxytocin, brain chemistry, intimacy, connection etc, etc. But all of it boils down to Mother Nature guaranteeing procreation and the preservation of the species.
Let’s face it, if it didn’t feel so damn good, we wouldn’t be very interested.
So why does Libido decline?
I think it boils down to two basic problems. Numero Uno is the individual’s underlying health.
I believe that our libido is a barometer of our overall health status. In other words, if we are fit, vibrant and healthy we will have a robust libido. If we are dealing with an illness, side effects of a medication, emotional or mental illness, too much stress, toxic overload, not enough sleep, poor diet, lack of strenuous exercise, and hormone imbalance, our libido will suffer.
If we put this into a primitive perspective, Mother Nature would not want us to reproduce if we were not healthy and fit enough to assure survival of the offspring. In primitive times this would have translated to being healthy enough to hunt, fight, defend and build shelters to protect the children. Therefore, for both men and women, being of robust health both physically and emotionally is a foundational necessity to sustaining a good libido. Since we have not changed genetically at all since primitive Paleo times, the same genetic determinants are at play in our modern lives.
The second basic determinant of libido is our level of attractiveness to our partner. Humans are exceptionally sexual beings, as evidenced by the extent of the modern porn industry. We are significantly driven by visual stimulation as well as emotional, verbal and psychological stimulation.
Many of my patients are in long term relationships, sometimes as long as 30 or 40 years, or longer. As politically incorrect as it may sound, humans were never designed to be in a relationship with one another that long. Early humans didn’t even live that long! And that is when our genetic profile was cast.
I encourage my patients in these long-term relationships to have affairs. (No! just kidding)
I am not a sex therapist by any stretch of the imagination. But I would encourage anyone who is having libido issues in a long-term relationship to spend some time on “reinventing” their relationship to spark things up. There are workshops for this, Tantric Yoga classes, take romantic holidays, try new sex toys or games. Tell your partner about your fantasies, be playful, shake things up a little.
It may not be an easy fix
For most people there is no quick fix solution, no matter what the pharmaceutical industry tells you. The pharmaceutical industry thrives on this approach. “Take a pill, fix the problem.” They basically want you to be dependent on pills the rest of your life. Believe me, this is not a viable solution.
Every medication has adverse side effects. If you become dependent on Viagra or Cialis, your natural function will deteriorate over time and you will become ever more dependent on drugs for sexual function.
Hugh Hefner once mentioned that Viagra was the “best recreational drug ever invented”. The context of this statement is that drugs like Viagra are used like any other recreational drug, not on a continuous basis, or the individual will become addicted and dependent, but only occasionally as for perhaps a “date night”.
Can Ozone Help?
I’ve written extensively about the benefits of ozone recently.
Ozone is well known to help increase blood flow in blood vessels that have become narrowed and clogged by cholesterol and fat over the years. As ozone enhances blood flow in narrow vessels and increases oxygen supply to the downstream tissues and organs, function can improve in any organ.
One of the problems of sexuality as we age is the loss of sensation and function in our sexual organs. By enhancing blood flow and oxygenation to the sex tissues, function and sensation can improve.
As I have written in prior newsletters, I am now performing the new, state of the art, High Dose Ozone (HDO) treatments as practiced in Austria and Germany. There is no downside to these treatments and many potential benefits including improved circulation and stimulation of circulating stem cell activity.
How Can I Help?
My REDDI Plan for optimal ageing can help anyone become healthier. The five principles detailed in the booklets are designed to improve health at any age. The foundation of improved health and vitality is the correct diet and regular exercise. Hormones may be needed as well as detoxification.
This is the approach I take with patients when presented with low libido as a primary complaint.
You can download your free copy of my REDDI Plan, new for 2019, here.
If you need more information or specific help please call the office at (310) 393-2333 to book a consultation or use our online Book an Appointment. I’m here to help!