Ozone in the World Cup: Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo on the field


Ozone has made its way into the World Cup! Said to be one of the best soccer players alive, Cristiano Ronaldo uses ozone to quicken his recovery.

Have you ever wondered how these professional athletes can get out there on the field day after day and give it “their all” without falling apart?

Here is one of their best-kept secrets that is readily available to all of us.

An interesting article that talks about Cristiano Ronaldo and his use of ozone recently appeared in a Spanish journal:

“Among the supposed benefits of its injection is an improvement in microcirculation, vascularization and tissue oxygenation, as well as work as an antimicrobial agent, anti-inflammatory and stimulation of the body’s defences, and a protection against cellular aging.”

Why Ozone?

As we know, ozone can be used for a variety of things including boosting the immune system, modulating immune responses, decreasing inflammation, purifying water(for use in Jacuzzis and swimming pools), sterilizing operating rooms,
making ozone oil, eradicating odor, and even as an aid to world-class athletes!

Ozone has the most amazing healing properties of anything I have ever dealt with. I am impressed every day as to how it helps my patients.

And now we are seeing its benefits stretching into the world of high performance athletes.

See for Yourself

If you haven’t already done so, check out my informational videos on how I perform ozone treatments and how this phenomenal treatment works for so many conditions, including health maintenance and anti-aging.

Dr. Howard Liebowitz
Dr. Howard Liebowitz served as a board-certified Emergency Physician for 30 years. He evolved as a healer by integrating his traditional training in Internal Medicine, his ER experience and his studies in functional medicine. Functional medicine is a discipline that strives to reverse the course of a disease rather than just treating the symptoms, which is what most traditional medicine does.


In this booklet, Dr. Howard Liebowitz, M.D., shares his passion for helping his patients to live a long and healthy life with his highly effective, non-pharmaceutical approach to medicine.


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