Menopausal Hair Loss


Hair loss is a major concern of women. Men seem to accept it as inevitable. Some men do get concerned and opt for drugs or hair transplants, but most men just “shine it on”.

That’s not so easy for women to do however. Hair loss for women can be quite upsetting, to put it mildly. Women identify strongly with the femininity of their hair. And, understandably, it is very upsetting when it starts to thin.

Preventing and Reversing Hair Loss

Some hair loss for women is not preventable just as with men. It can be genetically predetermined. However, for some conditions it is preventable and reversible.

Some of the more common causes of hair loss for women include stress, hormone imbalance, toxicity exposure, medications, iron deficiency and nutritional imbalances. Certainly, the frequency of this complaint around menopause is no mere coincidence. Hormone imbalance is probably the most frequent cause of hair loss in women. Women often report luxurious hair during pregnancy only to experience significant hair loss during breast feeding. What is going on here?

Hormone Shifts and Stress

Major hormone shifts are extremely stressful. Pregnancy causes significant elevations in hormones and menopause results in the opposite effect.

Hair follicles are quite delicate and respond to stress by “going into shock”. I have one patient who is a hair stylist. She is so attuned to her hair that she can tell when her hormones are balanced just by how her hair is doing.

I’ve read articles on women’s hair loss at menopause where the authors feel that it is coincidental. I completely disagree. I have many patients who have reported to me that when their hormones become balanced, their hair starts to grow back.

Of course, there are other causes for hair loss, and it behooves one to check other possibilities for the sake of thoroughness. However, I believe the first step should be to get your hormones balanced. At least that will remove one major stress on your body.

The Essentials

It is essential to get enough sleep and rest. It is also essential to eat correctly. Avoid those carbs and sugars. Keep alcohol to a minimum. Keep your weight under control, exercise regularly. There are also a number of supplements that can help.

If you haven’t had your hormones checked recently, get a blood test done and let’s talk. Hair loss can be very upsetting. Let’s get to the bottom of it and see if it is something correctible. Call 310-393-2333 for a consultation or book your appointment on line.

Dr. Howard Liebowitz
Dr. Howard Liebowitz served as a board-certified Emergency Physician for 30 years. He evolved as a healer by integrating his traditional training in Internal Medicine, his ER experience and his studies in functional medicine. Functional medicine is a discipline that strives to reverse the course of a disease rather than just treating the symptoms, which is what most traditional medicine does.


In this booklet, Dr. Howard Liebowitz, M.D., shares his passion for helping his patients to live a long and healthy life with his highly effective, non-pharmaceutical approach to medicine.


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