A Possible Non-Pharmaceutical Approach to COVID

A Possible Non-Pharmaceutical Approach to COVID - syringe

I recently received a letter from Antonio Gaspari, the author of the new book “Ozone A Cure for Life”. He is in the process of accumulating meaningful research and anecdotal experiences of ozone practitioners around the world who have been treating COVID-19 patients with ozone therapy. He asked if I would be willing to be interviewed for his upcoming book on the topic.

Over the last year, a number of important scientific papers have been published which demonstrate the eectiveness of oxygen ozone therapy in eradicating COVID-19.

By carrying out a search on PubMed, the most widespread medical research reporting platform, with the keywords “ozone Vs COVID” 101,000 results are displayed.

In Italy since February 2020 there were 16 hospitals using ozone therapy to treat COVID patients.

The results on 100 COVID patients treated with ozone therapy were extraordinary: 98% recovered and only 2% died due to the severity of the conditions and previous co-morbidities.

Scientific articles written on the eectiveness of ozone therapy on treating COVID patients have been published in the medical literature from China, Turkey, Cuba, Spain, Italy, India and Great Britain.

Much of this work was taken from the bibliographic page of the WHO (World Health Organization) website.

In addition to this long list of publications documenting the success of treating COVID with ozone therapy, there have also been numerous reports of practitioners around the world reporting success with resolving the symptoms of certain patients who seem to suer with ongoing problems, known as “Long Haulers”.

It is so perplexing to me, in light of the extensive number of successful cases reported and considering the low cost and long known safety record of ozone therapy, why aren’t medical facilities here in the U.S. oering these treatments?

This is a serious humanitarian question that one must ask.

To learn more, read the book by Antonio Gaspari, “Ozone: a cure for life”.

As Always,

Yours in Radiant Health,

Dr. Howard Liebowitz, M.D.


Dr. Howard Liebowitz
Dr. Howard Liebowitz served as a board-certified Emergency Physician for 30 years. He evolved as a healer by integrating his traditional training in Internal Medicine, his ER experience and his studies in functional medicine. Functional medicine is a discipline that strives to reverse the course of a disease rather than just treating the symptoms, which is what most traditional medicine does.


In this booklet, Dr. Howard Liebowitz, M.D., shares his passion for helping his patients to live a long and healthy life with his highly effective, non-pharmaceutical approach to medicine.


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